2024 Highlights

Darling Marine Center


Hosted 15 visiting scientists this past summer

Conducted research activities involving DMC students, staff, and faculty:

• New observations of shifts in lobster demographics and habitat in Maine

• Development of technology to examine particle dynamics in the ocean to better understand carbon flux and microplastic pollution

• New collaborations to review marine resource monitoring programs and develop climate adaptation strategies

Community Outreach

Public summer seminar series with 11 speakers and over 400 attendees

Hosted an “Aquaculture Boot Camp” to inform emerging and practicing sea farmers with hands-on knowledge of shellfish and seaweed husbandry, skills, techniques, equipment, and technology

Maintained partnerships with dozens of businesses and schools in the region for K-12 programming with over 2,000 student participation days

Invited local high school students to campus to engage with DMC scientists and research activities

Research Learning Experiences

Enrolled 29 students in the fall Semester by the Sea, a residential program for UMaine undergraduates

Hosted 7 visiting college groups and employed 11 research and laboratory interns this past summer

Offered courses for diver certification, training, and underwater sampling

Ran monthly research cruises on DMC vessels with students, faculty, and visiting scientists

Hosted USDA sponsored fellowships for undergraduates learning about sustainable aquaculture through the lens of indigenous knowledge

Campus operations

Sustained management capabilities by filling critical positions, including director, boat captain, maintenance personnel, and program manager

Maintained accommodations for over 1,000 researchers, staff, students, postdocs, and visitors through upkeep and repairs to buildings, waterfront infrastructure, vessels, and campus grounds

We are grateful for the efforts of our team of managers, administrators, coordinators, maintenance personnel, and Sodexo catering staff who have made this year successful to the benefit of students and society in Maine and beyond.


It is a great honor to be serving as the newly appointed Director of the Darling Marine Center. I have been familiar with the DMC since I was very young, fishing on the Damariscotta River and fascinated by the prospect of being part of such an important seaside facility with a collaborative group of people focused on coastal and marine science education, research, and communication in Maine.

I am eager to work on solutions to the challenges confronting our coastal areas, marine ecosystems, and surrounding communities. I look forward to participating in collaborative efforts with the dedicated DMC staff, University of Maine students and faculty, and partnering stakeholders and institutions. The opportunity to help prepare the next generation of scientists, engineers, and resource managers through exciting research learning experiences in particularly inspiring to me and I feel fortunate to be involved.

Sean M.C. Smith, Ph.D.
