Microbial Ecology Internship
Prof. Rich is seeking undergraduate summer interns to work on microbial ecology projects at the Darling Marine Center (DMC), on the mid-coast of Maine. The summer interns will be working on studies of microbial communities and processes in the marine environment at field sites near the DMC. The student will assist in field sampling (SCUBA diving experience is a plus, but not required) and gain laboratory training using eDNA and other techniques. Qualifications include interest in microbial communities and processes, demonstrated success in scientific courses, interest in working in the field and lab, and previous lab experience. Start date is mid May to early June and end date is mid to late August. This is a full-time (40 hours a week for 10 weeks) paid position. If you are interested in this opportunity please email Prof. Rich at jeremy.rich@maine.edu a statement of your experience and interest in this position, a copy of your undergraduate academic transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable), and most current resume or CV. Some funding is contingent on being enrolled at a school in Maine or a student with a permanent home address in Maine.
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