Mark D. Bertness Grants to support Marine Field Ecology in Maine

Dr. Mark D. Bertness is an internationally recognized marine ecologist who has introduced hundreds of students to coastal marine ecosystems through research learning experiences and field trips at UMaine’s Darling Marine Center and other marine laboratories and field stations around the world. We honor his contributions to the field and the Darling Marine Center with this grant program.
Applications are invited for students conducting field research in marine ecology and environmental science in 2023 at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole.
To apply, submit a two-page proposal, resume, and a letter of endorsement from your research mentor to by January 20, 2023 with ‘Bertness Grant Application’ in the subject line.
The two-page proposal must include
1) an Introduction that includes the motivation for the research questions or hypotheses;
2) Methods;
3) Budget and Justification, including a statement of other sources of current or pending support for the work; and
4) References and Timeline.
Eligible applicants include undergraduate and graduate students. Evidence of enrollment in a degree program is required. Allowable expenses include but are not limited to DMC housing, DMC boat, flowing seawater space, and lab rental fees, mileage, and research materials and supplies. Requests for compensation or stipends are not allowable. Up to three awards of $1,000 each will be made by March 15, 2023. Please contact Prof. Leslie if you have questions.
This program is possible thanks to generous gifts from Dr. Bertness and other donors. If you would like to learn more about opportunities to support the Darling Marine Center, please contact the DMC Director at 207.563.8299 or Thank you.