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Coastal Current Dynamics Internship

The University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center is seeking one undergraduate intern to begin a new study of the variability and dynamics of Maine’s Coastal Current.  The successful candidate will conduct research with Professor Greg Gerbi (UMaine-DMC), with assistance from other UMaine faculty and graduate students.  The internship is for 8-10 weeks, with the exact length and starting and ending dates to be negotiated with the successful candidate.

The intern will gather and work with hydrographic data collected during previous observational campaigns in the Gulf of Maine as part of an effort studying the connection between the Eastern Maine Coastal Current (east of Mt. Desert Island) and the Western Maine Coastal Current (west of Penobscot Bay).  The intern will gain experience with physical oceanographic data analysis, scientific programming, and Gulf of Maine ocean dynamics.

Requirements:  This position requires an introductory-level familiarity with Matlab or Python programming, and an interest in ocean physics.  Both of these requirements can be demonstrated through appropriate college-level coursework in oceanography and in scientific programming, or through prior research or independent study.  Preference will be given to University of Maine Marine Science majors who are interested in continuing the research as a senior capstone project, and whose prior coursework required them to write their own, original Matlab or Python code.  Finally, competitive candidates must be able to work independently and as part of a team.  

Compensation:  A stipend of $600 per week and housing at the DMC will be provided.  Housing at the DMC is equivalent to $193/week of compensation.  The internship is contingent on funding availability.

Applications will be reviewed beginning March 15, 2022.  To apply, please send a cover letter and 2-page resume with contact information for three references to Dr. Greg Gerbi ( with “DMC Maine Coastal Current Internship” in the subject line.  Your cover letter and resume should address the specific qualifications listed above, and your references should be able to speak to those same qualifications. 


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