Oyster Ecophysiology Internship
The Brady lab is seeking an undergraduate intern to work on oyster ecophysiology projects at the Darling Marine Center (DMC). The successful candidate for this paid position would primarily work with graduate students to investigate growth and physiology of cultured oysters in the Damariscotta River. Additional projects include experiments on feeding responses, biofouling, and maintaining scallops and oysters on the DMC lease located at the lab.
Responsibilities: The intern will primarily assist with data collection of shell measurements, tissue weights, and environmental data at participating farms through both lab and field work. Additional work will include assisting with setting up of systems to measure oyster respiration and help maintaining the DMC farm site. Potential tasks on the DMC lease include assisting with stocking and cleaning nets/cages for study animals.
Qualifications: No prior research experience is necessary. Interested candidates should be enrolled in a bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental science, or related field. The position will include physically demanding work and applicants should be comfortable or willing to work on the water/small boats.
To apply send cover letter and resume to Dr. Brady’s graduate student Tom Kiffney (thomas.kiffney@maine.edu). Review of applicants will occur in March of 2021.
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