Strategic Investments

To achieve the goals outlined in our Strategic Plan, we have identified three priority investment areas: Infrastructure, Programs, and People. To learn more about giving opportunities, please contact Jessica Hosford, our Philanthropy Officer, at 207-581-5100 or


  • Replace the large pier and update the flowing seawater system, including the pumphouse and the DMC’s oldest flowing seawater laboratory.
  • Construct a new Marine Science Education Center to replace aging and scattered infrastructure.
  • Construct a new maintenance facility and revitalize the vessel operations center.
  • Replace the large vessel used for research and education.
  • Increase high quality housing options for students and visiting researchers.
  • Enhance connectivity to enable collaborative teaching, learning, and research across the state and beyond.
  • Construct a new Community Engagement Center to serve as the administrative and public gateway to the campus.


  • Enhance academic and research collaborations with other UMS campuses in ways that leverage the unique setting and capabilities of the DMC.
  • Develop and/or host graduate and professional-level short courses in areas of identified need where the location and facilities of the DMC offer particular advantages.
  • Catalyze knowledge synthesis, communication, and application by UMaine researchers, students, and our partners in research, education, industry, government, and local communities.


  • Ensure a strong core of faculty, staff, and students are in residence year-around.
  • Promote and expand access to the DMC by graduate students, junior faculty, and other early career investigators.
  • Develop shared technical support for DMC-based research and education activities.
  • Enhance capacity for community engagement to ensure our science is accessible to communities and industries throughout the state and beyond.