Flow-Through Optical Data
Workshop description:
Optical measurements provide useful proxies of biogeochemical variables such as chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon, colored dissolved organic matter, and particle size at high spatial resolution (~10-100 m). Data collected using this approach provide spatial context to traditional oceanographic stations and for the validation of remote sensing products. With the growing number of studies that use this approach, the need for standardized and coordinated data collection and processing protocols was recognized, resulting in a recent IOCCG report (Boss et al. 2019). This 5-day workshops provides a hands-on experience in setting an inline system on a ship or dock, logging and processing of the data collected. Topics covered include an overview of optical sensors and their principles of measurements, calibrations, installation, and best practices for quality control while at sea and during data processing. Elements of professional development associated with navigating the scientific community and responsible conduct of research will also be integrated into the workshop.
Emmanuel Boss, Guillaume Bourdin and Lee Karp-Boss.
August 1-5, 2022.
The workshop will be hosted at the Darling Marine Center (DMC), a marine station of the University of Maine, located in Walpole Maine. DMC website: https://dmc.umaine.edu/darling-marine-center/
the workshop is limited to 16 participant and intended for early career scientists, postdocs and advanced graduate students, who engage in seagoing oceanography.
All expenses at the DMC (food and lodging) are covered by a grant from NSF. Travel costs to and from the DMC are not covered.
To apply:
Please submit your application in the form of one pdf file that include: a CV (2 pages max), a one-page statement of interest describing your research activities and how you and your current or upcoming position would benefit from participating in the workshop, and a letter from a supervisor/advisor describing how participation in the workshop would benefit you or your institution/program. Please send your application to Lee Karp-Boss (lee.karp-boss@maine.edu)
Application deadline:
April 29, 2022. Notification by: May 20, 2022.
Acceptance criteria:
Likely impact of the workshop on the individual’s career and their institution, transcripts, letter from the academic advisor/supervisor, and diversity. COVID 19 statement: The workshop is contingent on UMaine/DMC rules and testing protocols and CDC and the State of Maine travel restrictions and guidelines, as apply at the time of the workshop. COVID vaccination is required for participation in the workshop.